Dating After Divorce

Get back in the game: A roadmap to reclaiming your dating life!

Our mission doesnโ€™t stop after divorce. We are in the business of helping people transform and create a better future for themselves. Divorce is just one part of the transformative process, dating is the next.

Access Your Free Course

We are in the business of helping people transform and create a better future for themselves. Divorce is just one part of the transformative process. With over 125 years of combined experience, our firm has seen a lot, heard a lot, and learned a lot about relationships, what makes them work, and what makes them fail. We have called upon experts in their fields to show you how to succeed at dating after divorce. We hope you enjoy the course and take away action items to implement in the next chapter of your life!

Course Modules

Module 1: Is It The Right Time?

Module 2: Getting Back Out There

Module 3: Dating With Mindfulness

The contents of the course have been prepared for informational purposes only. Triangle Smart Divorce does not represent you based upon your use of the course. The materials included in this course are not intended as legal advice. You should not act upon information contained in the course without professional legal advice and a thorough review of your circumstances. Do not send us information until you speak to one of our team members and get authorization to send that information to us. The content of any e-mail sent to Triangle Smart Divorce will not create an attorney-client relationship.